I use nova promo pen drive as my flash pen drive. It was fine but for some days it was not working properly. Some files can not be deleted or opened. Now the whole pen drive is corrupted. How to repair a promo pen drive? Please help me.
How to repair corrupted nova promo pendrive?
The problem you are facing is not much of a critical one. However, if your pen-drive is corrupted you have no choice but to format it. If you are running Windows, follow these steps:
       1. Go to Computer
       2. Right Click on the Pen-drive's partition name and select the Format option
       3. Format the pen-drive without changing any details such as the partition type or allocation size. Leave them as they are.
       4. Deselect Quick Format option. Though disabling quick format makes the format process slow, but it ensures thorough formatting of the disk.
This process has only one disadvantage: the files you have in your pen-drive will be lost. However, there is no other way to recover those files as they are all corrupted. SO formatting the drive will be the best option.
Hope it helps!