Creating Checkbox Component SQL String
I am trying to make a statement using SQL but since I am just a beginner in using this, I cannot get my statement correct. The program I am doing is a Visual Basic 6 database. This is regarding my checkbox component SQL string. The problem is, when choosing one of those checkboxes and selects it; the data will be seen in the data list component.
How can I reference the data list on my SQL checkbox statement?
For instance, I have a database table named as category and it has two fields; (ID(key) and category) and another table named as Class 1 which consist of four fields; (category1, category2 *the two will consist of the IDs from the table Category*, group and class.
Now I want to make a multiple checkboxes for the Category types like cotton, wool, acrylic, and blend.
This is to select one or more categories then return the applicable items from the yarns table on the data list component.
How can I write the correct statement for this?
Please send me some help.