Will I need Forefront Online Protection for my Exchange subscriptions? I have users hosted in Exchange Online, some are on-premises. Now, instead of pointing out my on-premises servers, I want to point my MX record on Office 365. Is it possible to do this? If yes, will I need Forefront Online Protection for the on-premises users if needed?
Pointing MX Record on Office 365
When you are using Office 365 Professional, it is an important requirement to switch your NS records to point to Office 365 hosted name servers when adding the domain. It will automatically create all the DNS records to run the Exchange online and link online on your domain. After verification of your domain in Office 365, you should be able to create custom A and CNAME records using the DNS Management features. You need to update those features if you are using a 3rd party hosting provider. Please do note that SRV, TXT records could not be created as of the moment.