I recently found out that MS-Works could not handle formatting of my 70+ pages document so I decided to make an individual page and convert them into PDF file.
To do this, I have to remove all the pages in the original document except the one that needed a change.
Is there a way that I can delete a blank page or any particular page that is not in the end of the document?
Editing blank pages in MS-Works
Meaningless pages aren't very a meaningless page. You've got to see the print preview and show the some blank pages imply that the some factor thereon in meaningless pages. However, one thing is out of sight for the user. Typically an invisible factor is an empty paragraph.
Firstly, you've got to show the non printing things:
Press Ctrl+* or click on the Show/Hide ¶ button on the quality toolbar (in the Paragraph cluster of the house tab on the
Ribbon in Word 2007 or Word 2010).
This icon shows the non printing things, paragraph.
To format the paragraph as hidden. Choose it and press Ctrl+Shift+H.
In Word 2003 or earlier, click format on the Menu Bar, then Font; then check the box for Hidden and click on OK.
Blank page within the middle of a document
If your clear page happens within the middle of a document, it's the results of a hand-operated page break. This can be one reason manual page breaks are discouraged: once the information changes either attributable to a piece of writing or as a result of the document is opened on a system employing totally different OS, totally different printers, etc. The manual page break might right away follow a natural page break, inflicting a blank page.
Even while not displaying non printing characters, you ought to be able to see a manual page break that has been inserted victimization Ctrl+Enter or Insert | Break: Page break (in Word 2007/2010, access the Breaks gallery from the Page Setup clusters on the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon). It'll be delineate by a line across the page tagged Page Break. You'll simply choose this and delete it.
You have interested to safe the document of making the multiple empty pages. You've gotten used the continually commonplace tools, for instance, lining. Formatting, page breaking, therefore, you've got safe the document of produce the multiple blank pages in document.
Muhammad Atif
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Editing blank pages in MS-Works
Pages (for Mac OS X) supports two types of document; page layout and word processing.
In Page Layout documents , each page is a separate section. To delete one or more pages/sections, it is necessary to select the page(s) in the sidebar at the left, then press delete, then confirm that you want to delete these pages.
In word processor documents, pages are created 'on the fly.' Each page is added when there is text (or characters that are treated as text) to be placed on that page. If the 'text' is removed, the page disappears.
(Mac instructions)
Go View (menu) > Show Invisibles.
Examine the 'blank' pages for a symbol in blue near the top or bottom of the page. This is likely a Page break, or possibly a Section break.
Click to place the insertion point AFTER the break, then press delete. Repeat as necessary.
Pages for iOS instructions should be similar, but in case they're not, I'll request this thread be moved to the i Work for iOS community.
praloy shaha