Asked By
fabion cole
20 points
Posted on - 02/24/2013
Hi. I am currently working on a project and I'm using Toad 11 and as I am new to this, I am not quite sure on how to use some of its capabilities.
But anyway, I have an excel file here which I can use in my project. I just don't know how to do it:
Toad 11 Import from Excel.
So if you can please comment some easy ways to do it, thanks!
Toad 11 Import From Excel
Hello Cole,
How to import data from Excel file to table using toad
There are two ways you can do that:Â
Create a .CSV file and using SQL LOADER WIZARD load the .CSV file. SQL loader wizard is under the DBA tab of TOAD.
Import the Excel data directly using import option. Import option is available under Database tab of TOAD.Â
With these both way you can transfer Excel file to TOAD.
Hope this would help you.
Thank you.
Toad 11 Import From Excel
This is I think the liked process that's used by more users to Toad. By selecting data in the grid, select & copy all, ALT+TAB, now paste – voilaYour data are now in Excel. Problem with this work?
If yes!
Make sure Excel is on. You won't get any formatting. If you choose-notch gourmet homee data may possiblyEhit upon afteboundlesse-thumbs downct, there's thumbs down was with the intention of with noigned fore with the intention ofhanismhat caseith notentednted crein that casegcontentedcro.