How can I write a quality article

I am a article writer and I want to make my article catchy and best of all. Is there any software or techniques which really help me to acquiring my desired goal?

I am a article writer and I want to make my article catchy and best of all. Is there any software or techniques which really help me to acquiring my desired goal?
Hi Huma,
Let me share with you some tips on writing a good and catchy article.
1. First of all what you need to do is to know the topic very well. Also you should have a very good understanding about your targeted audience. This will give you an insight on who you are writing for.
2. Know your topic very well. The reason why I am focusing on this is because you should know what you are writing about. Take some time to do research on your topic.
3. Come up with a catchy opening paragraph. This will increase your audiences' interest in your article. You should be able to leave an impression on your reader.
4. Lastly the usage of language is very important. Use your own personal tone to write an interesting piece of writing. Try to use anecdotes where necessary to maintain the reader's interest. Try to answer your reader's potential questions that may arise in their mind while reading. Finally writing well is an art, try to master it.
Hello Huma,
Well if it comes to writing, no software can help you develop a catchy and an attractive content at the end. All you need is to have a healthy research over a particularly topic and deliver your wordings in a plain theme. Though, making content based on title as “Top 5” or “5 Most” helps you to present a much qualitative content.
Dear Huma89,
A software doesn't have a brain like a human to accomplish such a task. But there are software's that scrape the web for a keyword you give them. You have to write Article from your own knowledge and using a software you can check Article. Google also can help you out.
But there some techniques to write good article:
1. The article should be contain good information.
2. It should be of interest to the reader because a boring article could possibly brand your site as boring also.
3. An article that solves someone's particular problem or answer their question is a good article.
4. Your chosen article topic must match the contents.
5. Your article introduction should be powerful continuing from the headline.
6. Your article must be interesting and informative.
Use given information I think you can write good article.
Thank you.
To be able to write an efficient article, you must first know the basic tactics needed:
1. Read – Make your own research. Read and know how other articles are written. A good article writer should never be charge for plagiarism. It is okay to look on other's technique in writing but you have to leverage it on your own.
2. Create a note – Any ideas that comes in to you, always make a note of it and keep for future reference.
3. Bulletin and Numbering – Add bullets and numbers in your article layout. It can make your writing efficient as you are keeping yourself focused on specific matter.
4. Refine your article – Make the introduction an eye catching one.
5. Focus – Stay focus and avoid thinking of any other subject aside from your article. Avoid deviations that will make the reader wonder what your article is all about.
And more importantly, avoid pressure when writing. Always put the readers at ease and explain your subject in a short paragraph.
Hi Huma,
I can give you some techniques it may help you:
1. Don't bring extra useless ideas, you have to start your presentation only for the client, what he/her absolutely want.
2. Don't under load your article. Articles usually must be in a summarized way and should everything about your topic.
3. Images according to the article is very important.
4. you should add your ideas for the article in a different form, ( interesting sentences, mind catching words…. etc).
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