A hardware that can be integrated to computer for motion recognition

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -


I am an application programmer and would like to develop a system that will recognize motion. I've heard about Leap Motion Sensor. I want know how does it work? What are the system requirements for this device? Is it a plug and play device? Do I need to have special software to make it run? Is it compatible with windows 7 or 8? How much is it? Can I use it in MS Office software?

Answered By 5 points N/A #172407

A hardware that can be integrated to computer for motion recognition


Leap motion sensor device recognized hand and finger motions. But there is no touching and hand contact with it. Its cost is just 100$. You can Plug and Play with it. It is compatible with your Windows 7 or 8 and Mac OS X 10.7 lion computers. The total package includes Leap motion controller 2 USB 2.0 cables. It is light weight and user friendly device.

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