Probably this is one of the most annoying and general error codes found in Windows.
I state “general” because most of the times Windows say that a hardware tool on your Computer is well… not running.
(Gee, Thanks!)
And Error code 43 is occurred anytime because Windows does not identify a single device –may be the problem is in USB port, Video Card, Hard drive, or any other part of the hardware related to your PC.
Error: Error Code 43: Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems
How to solve Error Code 43
Hello there! The cause of code 43 error is generated when there is a hardware in device manager stop working of having some unspecified problem this is a generic message that sometimes there is a real hardware issue or there are some problems with the drivers. To fix this problem you should remember what is the last hardware that you connect to your computer and the time that the error start to show. After you determine whats the last hardware that might cause this error try to remove it. then restart and check if the error will still appear. Hope this suggestion can help you buddy.