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Posted on - 10/31/2011
Hi everyone ,
How can I make my pen drive work on my Solaris 10 Operating system? I install the OS using virtual box but it cannot be detected. I tried it on windows 7 and its working fine. Please help me with this. Thank you!
Pen drive not detected when inserted on Solaris 10 OS
Solaris 10 cannot recognize your pen drive because the USB pass is not enabled in our guest Operating System. If this option is disabled, then you have to organize the settings. You can get the settings in the subsequent website:
You may have to mount the flash drives in the guest Operating System.
Pen drive not detected when inserted on Solaris 10 OS
The problem is not uncommon. As a matter of fact VMWARE does not work on Solaris, so you need you have to make the pen drive manually detectable for Solaris. First you have to format the pen drive. Run
“VOLCKECK”. Go to”~cd/vol/rdsk” and look for your device. If not found and start “VOLMGT” and the stop. Then start again. Format the pen drive once again. Then mount “<name of your device>/mnt”.
Sandara Alex