Is there any reason to download the new LibreOffice

I already have OpenOffice and I am reasonably happy with it. Is the new libreoffice offering anything to me that will make me want to switch over.

I already have OpenOffice and I am reasonably happy with it. Is the new libreoffice offering anything to me that will make me want to switch over.
Hi there Ms. Tiffany for me,
My opinion is open office is a good software for your documents there are no very special feature with the latest libreoffice. The only latest features are better U.I a much faster built – in grammar checker for English and several other languages and some features that the open office hours.
So for me there's no point of switching to libreoffice if you are really familiar with open office. You have much advantage cause you already know how open office works.
Hope you accept my solution. Have a nice day.
Dear User,
They are basically the same office suites. But Libre Office has been more actively developed. And supported by a larger community, At the moment Libre office is the better choice.
Libre Office.
Open Office.
Thank you.