Error Variable type does not match the operation message type

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -


Hi there, when I try to use Oracle JDeveloper 10g to develop a Business Process Execution Language BPEL business process with web services, an error appears in the reply activity. The validation error says that variable type and operation message type are different and the former does not match the latter.

Could anyone advise the solution please? Thanks in advance.

Oracle JDeveloper 10g to develop a Business Process Execution Language

Error Variable type does not match the operation message type.

Answered By 40 points N/A #175149

Error Variable type does not match the operation message type



Hi Charles,

This message defines directly the error in the wsdl operation. Make sure to have the same variable to continue your operation.

Since the "SystemFault" message doesn't really exist, and it's should have been set to "SummarySystemFault".

Try to check,

<message name="SummarySystemFault">

<part name="fault" element="tns:GetSummarySystemFault"/>

<portType name="ApprovalAdapterPT">
<operation name="GetSummary">
<input message="tns:GetSummaryRequest"/>
<output message="tns:GetSummaryResponse"/>
<fault name="SummarySystemFault" message="tns:SystemFault"/>

Hope this will answer your question.



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