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Posted on - 08/11/2012
I own a Sony Vaio VPCEE4M1E laptop, which doesn't have an internal Bluetooth.
I would like to know if its possible to buy an internal Bluetooth module and fix it into my laptop.
If so, I'd like to know whether the Bluetooth module comes as a combo of Bluetooth n WiFi , and also the model number which can be fitted into my laptop and its price.
Adding aftermarket INTERNAL Bluetooth module to VAIO
Hi HBK004,
I have thoroughly gone through the manual guide for your Sony Vaio VPCEE4M1E but unfortunately, there is no way to install a new hardware without altering the motherboard with some tricks, this involves risk and most of time the effort is worthless.
Most of the laptops come with the built-in technology but those who don't, must support the alternative way to the latest technology. I suggest you to buy a new USB Bluetooth Dongle along with a USB WiFi Dongle. These things are very handy now a days and work like a charm for all those who don't have such things built on board.