I am getting a validation warning while I am trying to modify a table in Microsoft SQL Server. I am unable to modify please help me. Thanks
Validation Warnings
Warnings were encountered during the pre-save validation process, and might result in a failure during save. Do you want to continue attempting to save?
'Employee' table
– Warning: One or more existing columns have ANSI_PADDING 'off' and will be re-cr
Yes No Save Text File
Warnings were encountered during the pre-save validation process
After seeing this error message, the user naturally clicks "Yes" button as he does not want to save the changes. After 30 seconds, you will see another error message just like in the following screenshot.
This problem is mainly caused by a timeout setting for "table designer updates" that is set to 30 seconds as default. To change the settings, simply go to Tools>>Options>>Designers. Follow the screenshot.
Change the default 30 seconds value to some higher value, click "OK" and run your table structure again.