Error using DESC across dblink

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Techyv buddies!

I have managed to create a database link successfully, and an item can be selected from the table in the remote database. However, when I start to describe a table on the remote database. (decs tablename@remotedb),

I end up receiving the following message:

“ORA-12663: Services required by the client not available

on the server.”

Can you tell me what could have caused this issue?

I would greatly appreciate the effort to solve this problem.

Thank you!

Answered By 10 points N/A #148594

Error using DESC across dblink


Hello Wirt,

Try the following workarounds and see if they will help you resolve the issue you are getting:

Solution 1

First of all, you will need to check the dba_triggers – trigger_body for contents that match what you are getting in the error message. You should as well check for triggering_event that identify the startup triggers.

You can go ahead and disable the trigger.

Note that OLAP is just an optional product that is used for analytical processing.

Solution 2

You will need to disable the triggers using the following init.ora parameter to ensure that the issue is not with startup triggers

_system_trigger_enabled = false



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