I am using my iPad when visiting websites like Contraband and YouTube. I noticed that most of the videos are not playing in those sites. I know that iOS doesn’t have a Flash so I want to know the rules for boxed iPad app and also, what are the general rules of Watch Later feature of Apple? What videos can play and cannot be played in Watch Later feature? I want to avoid the hassle of bookmarking something to watch later, but when I go to the link it won't play. What should I do? Help please.
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Features of Watch Later in Apple
Hello Ashley!
Though the iPad is lacking the Flash player, you can still watch YouTube videos using the installed app on your iPad. However, some videos cannot be played because of this lack of support. Some video formats are not supported like if you're running a Vevo video.
As for the Watch Later feature, it is not available on the YouTube app at this time but you can make use of an alternative. Instead of adding them to WATCH LATER, add them to FAVORITES, which is accessible on the app. Or, you can install a third party app like Boxee that will enable you to save videos that you can watch later.
You can visit https://discussions.apple.com/index.jspa for more info.Â
Hope this one helps.