I have a question. Would it be possible for me to use my Super Hub instead of a D-link router? I am using three computers. The problem is that they always hang and lose internet connection. This happens even though it would show that my signal is good. I realize that it could also have something to do with my computers. However, I did not encounter any problems before we used the Super Hub. The D-link is the one we used before this. I would really appreciate any useful help you can give me. Thank you in advance. 🙂
Losing Internet Connection with Super Hub
Router and Super hub are devices used for networking, they are similar in some ways because it gives Internet connections to every computer attached to it.
The only difference between super hub and router are the way they get them to communicate with the source and all devices connected.
Internet Service Provider assigned an IP Address to the subscriber's modem. In order for this Super Hub to provide Internet access to every computer attached, this device must get multiple Mac Address from the source. If superscript buys 5 Mac Address from the ISP, then Super Hub can accommodate 5 computers at any given time. The Super Hub will assign Mac Address directly from the source.
Compare to routers, router assigned an IP Address to each and every computer connected. This device need only 1 Mac Address from the ISP and will provide IP Address to every computer attached.
The only advantage if you are using a router is the cost. An additional IP Address or Mac Address from your ISP means additional money charges to your account.
Yes, you can use Super Hub but this needs multiple Mac Address from your ISP. Contact your ISP and subscribed up to 3 additional IP Address since you have 3 computers that needs Internet access.