Is there a quiz type SMS mobile?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have a son who is in gradeschool now. I gave him a mobile phone so I can communicate with him anytime. But aside from communication and playing of games, I also want him to learn while having his own mobile.

Is there any software that has quiz type SMS mobile? Any suggestions would be of great help. Thanks.

Best Answer by raaj74
Answered By 60 points N/A #133636

Is there a quiz type SMS mobile?


Hi James R. Wilson,

I have searched the internet and Google for some possible solution with your concern. I think the link that I attached below would help you in finding the best solution with your concern. 

MOODLE Forum: Mobile Quiz – Quizzes for Mobile Phones

Hope it would help you a lot.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #133637

Is there a quiz type SMS mobile?


There are many mobile quiz game that your son can benefit from. Though you didn’t start the operating system that the phone runs on I'll try listing phone, Java and android quiz games. Quiz Trivia is an android game that can be downloaded freely from the android market.

The game boast of short questions in history, geography, medical inventions just a few to mention. IQ Geography Quiz is also a Java game that tests your knowledge of the capital cities of every country.

This game can be downloaded from Mind Racer is also an iPhone game that tests your mathematics skills.

This game can be downloaded from

Answered By 0 points N/A #133638

Is there a quiz type SMS mobile?



There are many quiz type games available for android. The game boasts of short questions in history, geography, medical inventions etc. It is really helpful to increase the knowledge. Here is the link to download the game:
Answered By 0 points N/A #133639

Is there a quiz type SMS mobile?


Hi James R Wilson,

I have made a research about your concern about quiz type SMS in mobile phone. I am not sure with the model/ brand of your phone so I have searched some possible answers on the internet. I have attached a link below with some possible solution with your concern.

Hope it would help you a lot. Thanks and more powers.

Answered By 15 points N/A #133640

Is there a quiz type SMS mobile?

Hello James R Wilson,
There are a lot of application now that will help your son to learn with the help of his mobile phone. He or she may download eBook and tutorial using his phone. 
But giving a quiz type SMS will test his knowledge and will add an excitement to his/ her studies. I provided you a link, where you can find a lot of Quiz type SMS.
Hope this helped you!
Answered By 10 points N/A #133641

Is there a quiz type SMS mobile?


There are lots of quiz application which can be very useful for children when using mobile phones. If your son is using an Android device, you can download Talking Kids Math and Numbers wherein your kid can develop Math skills.

Other applications are National Flags Quiz and Periodic Table. If your son is using an Apple device, you can try Big Brain Quiz, The Moron Test and Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? which you can download on the App Store.


Answered By 10 points N/A #133642

Is there a quiz type SMS mobile?


Hi James,

I hope you doing well. There are a lot of apps for increasing IQ level. Here is the list of applications.
1. The Moron Test
This application is based on questions and puzzles to make your min more sharp. Sometimes you have to try many times to get to know the correct answer. This application is for android and ios.
2. The IQ Test
This application test the user’s mind by giving math and logical questions. This application also shows your area of weaknesses and strength.
I hope this information will help you. Thank you.

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