Attempting to amend a virtual hard disk.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am exercising virtual disk manager and attempting to amend a virtual hard disk.

After that I received an error while applying drive amendments.

How can solve this issue?

Error Applying Drive Changes

Error Applying  Hard Drive Changes

Failed to modify ""Microsoft Virtual hard Disk

Cannot open attachment 'Y:350.vhd' Error: The requested operation could not be completed due to a file system limitation.

Cannot get information for attachment 'Y:350.vhd'

Cannot open attachment 'Y:350.vhd' Error: The requested operation could not be completed due to a file system limitation.


Answered By 5 points N/A #176303

Attempting to amend a virtual hard disk.


Hello, Eugene C McCall


You can solve this problem with parallel image tools smoothly. To manage virtual machine hard disk you need to use parallel image tools for properties. Specie the hard disk image with extension. You can also change the image type with this tool. So parallel image tools are best for solving this problem. Hope you  got the answer. If you a have another issue keeps visiting here for further issue.



Have a good day..

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