Getting Error at the time of initializing Outlook 2007: The Add-in "Outlook Scan" could not be loaded.
Microsoft Office Outlook
The Add-in Outlook Scan (C:Program FilesNetwork AssociatesVirusScanscanemal.dll) cannot be loaded and has been disabled by Outlook. Please contact the Add-in manufacturer for an update. If no update is available please uninstall the Add-in.
What should I do now? What are the causes for this error so that I will avoid doing that next time? Please help as soon as possible.
Getting Error at the time of initializing Outlook 2007
Hi there Thomas H Linquist
This is a simple error which cause because of a small file which is known as EXTEND.DAT file. To prevent this error follow these steps
Step 1 – Close Outlook 2007
Step 2 – Go to start > Search > Files and Folder
Step 3 – Type EXTEND.DAT and wait till it find the result
Note – Include the subfolders and hidden files & folders in the search
Step 4 – After it finds the file simply right click on the file and Delete it and that’s it
Hope your problem solved
Taylor B Campos
Getting Error at the time of initializing Outlook 2007
Hi Thomas,
This error message occurs when you upgrade your antivirus causes an error during the start Outlook 2003 or 2007, demonstrating that it could not be loaded. There are various possible solutions for this error. These are:
Force the Outlook 2007 to refresh the list of add-on by doing the following steps.
Close Outlook and wait a few moments.
Type Win + R (or Start Menu -> Run …) and insert the following command in the window that just opened and press the ENTER key:
For Windows XP: del "% userprofile% Local Settings Application Data Microsoft Outlook EXTEND.DAT".
Windows Vista and 7: cmd / c "del"% userprofile% AppData Local Microsoft Outlook EXTEND.DAT ""
From Outlook, the Symantec AntiVirus Outlook Protection should be disabled.
Select "Trust Center"in the Tools Menu then click "Add-ins".
From the Manage dropdown, select "Exchange Client Extensions" then click "Go…".
Symantec AntiVirus Outlook Protection should be unchecked then click OK.
Install the latest version of Symantec Endpoint Protection and get the Outlook Protection Feature installed.
Hope this helps you fix the error.