Asked By
roger neil
20 points
Posted on - 08/19/2012
I’m facing problem changing user settings for third party software.
Whenever I try to change settings, windows asks me to provide admin password.
Tell me the best open source recover administrator password software available, if anyone knows?
Best open source recover administrator password software available?
You can recover your administrator password using any of the software below:
1. Offline NT Password & Registry Editor: This utility will set password without using the old password, and it can recover administrator user's password as well.
2. SAMInside: SAMInside is a very powerful Windows password recovery tool, but it is not free, but using demo version you can recover your password with some limitation.
3. Kon-Boot: It is a free utility which works on Windows XP/vista7.
4. John The Ripper:It contains a several password breaking techniques into single software. It can be used against encrypted passwords.
Best open source recover administrator password software available?
If you are getting prompted to enter the administrator password every time you change a setting on the computer, it means you are not using an administrator account or you are not the administrator of the computer. One workaround is to disable the administrator password using the built-in “Administrator” account.
If the current user account you are using is not an admin account, you can use the built-in administrator account in Microsoft Windows to change or delete the password of the other user account. The built-in admin account in Microsoft Windows is automatically hidden once you create a new admin account. Since the built-in admin account is already hidden, you need to unhide it.
Press the Windows key + R to bring up the “Run” dialog then type without quotes “cmd” then hit Enter. In the command prompt window, type the following then hit Enter:
- net user administrator /active:yes
After this, close the command prompt and restart the computer. Now, log in using the “Administrator” account in the login screen. Once you are logged in, repeat the same steps to start the command prompt. In the command prompt window, type the following then hit Enter:
- net user [username] [new password]
Replace “[username]” with the username you want to change the password. Replace “[new password]” with the new password you want to use or don’t specify a password to delete the existing password of the account. If the target username contains a space, you need to enclose the username in quotes like this:
- net user “[user name]” [new password]
See if this works.