MTX File Extract and Patch Utility

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I’ve done everything I deemed necessary to run MTX File Extract and Patch Utility I’m currently using the Administrator account to move required files to Avira’s whitelist, turn off its AntiVir and update the version.

Nevertheless, the extraction is disrupted.

Attached is a picture of the error message.

MTX File Extract and Patch Utility 0.01.4

Extracter process disrupted. Are you updated out of order? Cancelling update.

What am I missing here?

Answered By 10 points N/A #151159

MTX File Extract and Patch Utility


Hallo Laurel,

To resolve the issue that you are getting right now, I will suggest that you do the following:

  • Reboot the computer and then ensure that you log on with the administrator account. Using an account that has got limited privileges could result to the issue that you are encountering. After that try running the MTX File Extract and Patch Utility and see if it will work.
  • If you still get the error, then the problem could be with the utility itself. It could be corrupted and as a result causing the issue that you are getting right now. In that case you will need to try reinstalling it to resolve the issue.

Hope this helps.



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