I am doing REXX maintenance coding and realized that to carry it out, there are IBM software systems that I need to learn. Can you tell me what IBM software systems are involved in doing REXX maintenance coding?
What IBM software systems are involved in doing REXX maintenance coding?
Hello Ainsley Carpenters,
For you to carry out the REXX maintenance coding, you will need to gain knowlegde in the following IBM systems software, and all of them have been typically utilized hand in hand with the REXX program:
Xedit commands
Dialog Manager
REXX itself is a REstructured eXtended eXecutor language, which has been designed with the intention of being used in the text processing tasks.
Currently, most of the REXX programming is mostly meant for maintenance, and also retrofitting of the code that is already in use. Lately, there have been developments to REXX which have been targeted for it to be utilized for client/server and also web access applications.
Clair Charles