Error appears on PC running 3GB of Ram and quod 4 processor

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -



This is our problem. Different variations of the same error message appear saying:

"After Effects error: unable to allocate space for a 4752 * 15766 image buffer. You may be experiencing fragmentation. In the memory & cache Preferences dialog box, try decreasing the maximum RAM Cache Size value and selecting the enable Disk Cache option, increasing Maximum Memory Usages, or both. (7::66)"

This appears on our PC running 3GB of Ram and a Quad 4 processor. We are also having problems rendering on our Macs as well. The error can appear on a very simple project which has no blur or major effects put onto it as well as complicated ones. We've been through the memory cache settings and other suggestions found on the web but to no solution. Any other ideas we can try? All computers seemed to be running fine until recently.

Many thanks in advance.

Answered By 10 points N/A #151336

Error appears on PC running 3GB of Ram and quod 4 processor


Hello Devin,

Note that buffer issues are not in any way related to codec rendering issues, and therefore you may be getting the buffer memory issues from a very big composition which might be the source of the CC Sphere.

The Directional Blur is also a victim for the blur effects need to come up with a big buffer so as to be able to calculate the disable blur.

You should try click on the first link when you have just searched for the after effects image buffer, and then you will need to  Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously as well as the lower the Memory Cache.



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