On the mode 'Overlay', the pictures can be enlarged so that it fits, but the quality of the photo is spoilt. The photo is dim and it seems that all the lines are dark. However when I switch on Dxva, the photo appears better, but does not remain still. Is it because I used a PCI video card?
Answered By
lee hung
75 points
Spoil picture due to enlargement
Hello Aaronjames,
The use of PCI video card could be one possible cause for your image not remaining still when you use in the dxma mode. Another possible cause could be the resolution that your computer is in. If the resolution is very low, it may be the possible reason for getting the poor quality of the image.
I will suggest that you adjust the resolution of the computer to a higher resolution and see if the quality of the image will change. You can also try changing the format in which the image has been saved, increase the brightness and contrast and see what difference comes up.
Lee Hung