Hi all,
I am facing a strange issue while downloading the latest Maps, Ovi Suite for my c7. It gives error message as – "Something's gone wrong. There was a problem with downloading the application. Try again by going to software updates. I tried many times but same result.
The error message screenshot is attached below. Â
Something's gone wrong
Could not install the following application Ovi Maps – with free navigation. There was a problem with downloading the application. Please go to tools > Software updates and start the download again.
Unable to get Ovi maps update via ovi suite
I think the problem is not with the download but with the compatibility of the software. The Nokia Ovi Suite software downloaded to install may not be compatible with your current configuration. You should remove any other Nokia software installed earlier on your system.
This software is not similar to the former Nokia PC Suite. It has been made with some special characteristics which need excellent configuration. You did not mention about that issue. However, if there is a problem with download you can try it again and install the same carefuly. If there is no compatibility issue I hope it will be ok.
I hope you understand it.