Easiest way to clone an old HD
I’m using a mac and I intend to use it for some time but still have plans to change by upgrading HD to WD 750GB black and gee 8 GB of OWC ram. I’m planning to upgrade because I need to have an increased speed whenever I’m editing photos. I’m planning to clone my old HD so that it will turn into a new one but don’t know what is the easiest way how to do this. Any ideas? Of course, this has to be bootable after I exchanged the HD for the old one. iPad2 also appeals to me because of its numerous applications with regard to photo editing and also because of the new iOS5. Editing using your fingertips sounds cool thru touch-screen editing and I’m intrigued how it is done! I wonder if the feeling of satisfaction is the same as when Photoshop are being plugged in and the filters are being played. It would sound great if I’m able to do both but because of the cost, probably it will just be a wishful thinking, as compared to just upgrading my Mac that will only cost me more or less 200 bucks only.