Invalid user name error message

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hello all,

I want to install Fast Search 2010 on my PC but when ever I try to do so I got the following error on my screen:
















User validation failed

Username or domain is incorrect.


I am writing my Domain name correctly as i have been writing it before. I have deleted everything and rebuild it again but still the error is shown on the screen.

Can anybody please point out if there is anything I am skipping?

I hope someone in the community may have an answer.

Looking forward to your replies.



Answered By 5 points N/A #155858

Invalid user name error message


For you to install the FAST search server correctly please follow these steps:

1. Try to use you your domain’s DNS name in the username field. You can relate to this example: domain.localusername

2. If the error still not solved, make sure to check the permission you used.

3. Please make sure also that you follow the steps on how to deploy FSS 2010 for share point.

If you cannot solve the issue from following steps above, try to enter your full domain’s DNS name in the username field. Use this xxx1.xxx2.comuser rather than xxx2user which is pre-windows 2000 domain format.

Hope this will solved you problem.

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