I have a Flash Drive of 4GB memory and it contains some damaged sectors because some files are damaged but they work fine when accessed from my computer.
The most common solution I found is to change my flash drive.
But also, I heard that I can fix it. So do you know how to fix bad sectors on flash drive?
Is it possible for me to repair it?
Please explain how to fix bad sectors on flash drive 4GB
The foremost solution will be fixing the damaged sectors and then formatting the flash drive.If the individual sectors are not lost permanenetly, then the USB will be as good as a new one.However, it is very important to take a back-up of all data prior to formatting.
1. The stick should be donnected to your computer after which it will be detected as an external device and a drive is allocated for it.
2. The Windows orb in the bottom left of the screen should be clicked and then Computer , for the file manager (default) to be launched.
3. Go to Properties window by right clicking on the drive allocated specifically by Windows for your flash USB.
4. Navigate to the tab marked Tools.
5. Proceed to the Check Disk portion through the Check now option in the Errors checking portion.
6. Choose options Automatically fix system errors and Attempt the recovery of sectors gone bad.
7. Start to initiate the process of fixing and checking the damaged sectors.
8. Go ahead by launching the Format util available through right clicking.
9. To make sure that the flash drive is fully cleared, uncheck the Quick formatting option.rive is completely erased.
10. Confirm the formatting process by clicking the OK button.
11. You will be informed on completion of the formatting process.
You will now be having a formatted USB drive without the bad sectors and at the same time, the backed up data is safe.