Could not open raw device

I have installed oracle in my machine and it is running fine. But for some time like 4:00 am-9:00 am, everyday at random time I am facing the following errors: [ OCROSD][3248]utgdv:1:could not open registry key SOFTWAREOracleocr os error The system could not find the environment option that was entered.
[ OCRRAW][3248]proprinit: Could not open raw device
[ default][3248]a_init:7!: Backend init unsuccessful : [33]
[ CSSCLNT][3248]clsssinit: error(33 ) in OCR initialization
[ OCROSD][3248]utgdv:1:could not open registry key SOFTWAREOracleocr os error The system could not find the environment option that was entered.
It is unexpected that registry error is shown randomly and it is not possible for me to make changes registry periodically throughout the day. It may be happened due to the fault of raw device.
I love to request anyone to give the idea resolving this problem.Â