Receiving error message with saving to a Core data object in Xcode

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -


I am receiving this annoying error message with saving to a Core data object in Xcode.

I have spent so much time to fix this problem but I could not find any way to resolve this issue.

Have any better way to fix this problem?

I would be grateful to you.

Thanks in advance.

Problem saving after saving entity

The operation couldn’t be completed. *Cocoa error 1570.

Answered By 15 points N/A #176802

Receiving error message with saving to a Core data object in Xcode


'Cocoa error 1570' is an error generated by Core Data, when mandatory field are empty as opposed to be filled with the relevant data.

To find out what, why and where of the error creation you might need to debug the Xcode and find field that is causing this, either it has to be 'optional' in 'xcoredatamodel' file or the properties of 'managedObjectContext' must be filled.

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