I received this weird error message when I attempted to open my movie with Virtual Dub.
The error shows “Couldn’t locate decompressed for format ‘XVID’ (unknown)
Virtual Dub requires a video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video”.
Any suggestion would be helpful.
VirtualDub Error
Couldn’t locate decompressed for format ‘XVID’ (unknown)
VirtualDub requires a video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video.
DirectShow codecs, such as those used by Windows Media Player, are nor suitable.
VirtualDub Error when attempted to open a movie with Virtual Dub
If your OS is 64 – bit, (XP 64 bit or Vista 64- bit or 7 64- bit), use the 64-bit XVid codec which you can download here.
If your OS is 32 bit, you need the XVid codec for 32 bit which can be downloaded here. Use this link.
If it still doesn't work, update your Virtual Dub to 1.8 then check if ffdshow is installed in your system.Updated VD can be downloaded here.
VirtualDub Error when attempted to open a movie with Virtual Dub
That error is related to codec which means the video codec required by VirtualDub is not available or cannot be found on the system. To fix the problem, try to install the codec manually. A video codec is software or it can also be an electronic circuit that compresses and decompresses digital video. A video codec converts uncompressed video to a compressed form or format and vice versa.
In video compression, the term “codec” means “encoder” and “decoder”. In digital video, every file format uses a particular codec or video codec like for instance, an MP4 and AVI video. There is one codec for the MP4 format and there is one for the AVI format and you cannot interchange them.
If you play a specific video format on your computer and its codec is missing from your system, you won’t be able to play it or the media player won’t be able to play that video. The codec designed for that video format must be installed first. One way to install different video codec is to install popular media players like the VLC media player.
Another way is to install a codec pack like the K-Lite codec pack. Try downloading K-Lite Codec Pack Mega. This mega variant of the K-Lite codec pack is the largest of the four variants: basic, standard, full, and mega. This codec pack provides everything that you need to play all your audio and video files.
This codec pack also includes ACM/VFW codec which can be used by video encoding/editing programs. This codec pack includes Media Player Classic so you can immediately play your files. The latest version at the moment is K-Lite Codec Pack Mega 15.2.0. For Windows XP Service Pack 3, the latest and last compatible version is K-Lite Codec Pack Mega 13.8.5.
Once you have updated the available codec on your computer, try downloading the latest VirtualDub.