I want to know about Java language mind map

Hi everyone ,
I have an assignment on Java language. So I need a Java language mind map which will be helpful for me. Can anyone reply me in details about it ?
Thanks in advance.

Hi everyone ,
I have an assignment on Java language. So I need a Java language mind map which will be helpful for me. Can anyone reply me in details about it ?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Chet,
It's so nice to know about your interest about mind map. It's a very great revolution of java with the mind map utility. Free mind is the leading mind mapping software you will find everywhere. I am sharing you some links which will give you clear insights about how it works, and how can implement it in your project.
Here the following some links :
Hope this information will help you.
Thank You.
Hi Chet,
FreeMind is a premier mind-mapping Java software. FreeMind is offering operation and navigation of FreeMind is faster than that of MindManager due to its one-click “fold / unfold” and “follow link” operations.
Following links will help you a lot.
List of concept- and mind-mapping software
A Java Mind map by the London Java Community
A Java program to create and edit mind maps
Thanks for asking.