Can anyone tell me what the minimum permission the user should have to share where streaming applications' profiles stored?
I think local user used streaming client services and this user must have the read permission to share, so I suppose that streaming client accesses share with the user's credentials.
So I need help in making sure, is the minimum permission read?
Thank's alot.
Streaming application’s profiles users’ permissions.
Hello, Albert.
In XML file containing information about streaming application. During in the new profile the profiler create manifest. To open streaming file application the profiler uses the manifest. You have to set your profile configuration, Available option allows you how you create profile and targets, you have to set default preferences for new profile go to the Edit menus, select Preferences, you have to save all security settings by default. Here is the below link it assist you more
Streaming application’s profiles users’ permissions.
It may be displayed to explain the permission to the user – for example, when the user is asked whether to grant the permission to another application. For mobiles, WIFI is recommended. For computers an upload connection of at least 1mb. For streaming audio, absolute minimum permissions only basically allows to read music shares, no write permissions anywhere, no app permissions, except audio stations.