Commands for permanent clean history Linux freeware software.

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I want to permanently clean history in Linux, and was hoping if someone knows any good freeware software for this purpose? Also tell me commands to do so. Any kind of help regarding clean history Linux freeware and command will be appreciated.

Best Answer by Kumay Edwards
Answered By 0 points N/A #132870

Commands for permanent clean history Linux freeware software.



You can clear the history in Linux. There is a command option which will allow you to clear the complete cache of the history command. You can use 'history -c' command to clear the complete history in Linux systems. This is a system command you don't need to install any freeware or third party tools to use this command.

You may also see the 'help history' to look at the different options that are available to clear the history of the system. There are even third party tools like cleaner-dashboard which will server you for the same purpose. But it is recommended to use 'history -c ' clear the history.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #132871

Commands for permanent clean history Linux freeware software.



You don't need any freeware software or any 3rd party software to delete history; in fact it is just like removing history from your browser's history. In Linux mostly work is done through commands, there are two commands for completely removing history from your Linux.
You can use rm .bash_history for complete removal of history 
Or you can also use history -c for removal of history.
Hope that helps!!

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