Asked By
Jeo Tolbert
0 points
Posted on - 08/26/2012
Whenever I boot my computer and comes to the desktop this error always show and cannot be remove, even if I select any of the button it still pops up. This is annoying! Can anyone help me?
spywareblaster.exe – No Disk
There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive DeviceHarddisk2DR6.
SpywareBlaster No Disk in the Drive Pops Up Error
I use to have the same problem years ago, but I still remember the way I used to handle it. Make sure that you restart your system and the error will be gone. I used to do that, but since it`s not very smart I suggest you to do a full computer scan, because there could be a simple bug causing all of this.
You also may want to reinstall the program, since there is always that 1 small part that does not shut down, even if the program ends.