VDI deployment and its impact

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I would just like to know what would be the impact of a wide-scale VDI deployment on the computer, storage, and network.

I just want to make sure that all the bases are covered.

I hope you can help me.

Thank you


Answered By 80 points N/A #110945

VDI deployment and its impact


Hi Olsen,

I just figured out that you really need large resources, just to easier management. Each user will be needing at least one CPU core, 2 GB RAM, 40GB or better of disk storage.

That’s for users who are actually using their personal computers, as opposed to execs who log in first thing in the morning and check email every couple of hours.

Storage is the biggest potential bottleneck ,it’s not just capacity, it’s 200 users simultaneously accessing disk; the SAN interface has to be able to keep up with I/O from a lot of requests at once.

That means you’ll need a SAN that can handle lots of simultaneous requests, good queuing, low latency and high speed. I hope I enlightened you about your issue. Have a great day.


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