Asked By
Slate rason
0 points
Posted on - 07/08/2016
Hello everyone,
I want to learn a method using which I could access my PC from anywhere. I have seen you give tutorials on Remote Computing and NAS Devices. I want to use another method apart from these.
How To Access My PC On Anywere. Remote Computing and NAS Devices.
For complete access of your PC you will require Remote connection to be established. But if you want you can upload almost all the files on the Cloud Storage to access the items anywhere and anytime.
You can use Cloud Storage clients like Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive and many other such clients.
All you have to do is create an account on one of these clients and transfer your files to the cloud storage.
After that, you can use any other PC or laptop or mobile to use these items.
This method gives an extra edge over others. You can use different devices to access your files, not only just a PC.