Want to download driver edge USB stick for my Ubuntu 12.10 OS

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi. I am using Ubuntu 12.10 version. I need to download driver edge USB stick. My friend used it. But it didn’t work. Anyway I want to download driver edge USB stick for my Ubuntu 12.10 OS. Experts please give me the link or some website to download it. Thanks.

Best Answer by Leonard S Lockhart
Answered By 60 points N/A #164775

Want to download driver edge USB stick for my Ubuntu 12.10 OS


Hi Shannon,

In general cases usb installer is added in the usb stick and they should be auto installed when you plug-in the usb stick, now some well known problem is there where USB stick is not recognized and in those cases you need to fix them. I will share some video tutorial that will help you to resolve your problem. Watch the video:

Hope this will fix your problem. Thanks.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 30 points N/A #164776

Want to download driver edge USB stick for my Ubuntu 12.10 OS



Hi Shannon Wheelock,

If what you are trying to do is to mount a USB Mass Storage device on your Ubuntu 12.10 OS but is not able to, or getting an error, then you might be experiencing a bug which is present for that version of the OS.

You might want to try these two steps to resolve your issue:

1.       Download and install all updates for the operating system, and

2.       Create a directory to mount the USB device


sudo mkdir /media/$USER

sudo chown $USER.$USER /media/$USER 

Hope this solves your problem. Cheers

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