I want to use bandwidth management tool for home.

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Bandwidth management tool for home, from which I can do the following and many more:

a. I want to limit non-work related web/FTP sites.
b. I want some users will get more bandwidth and some will get limited bandwidth.
c. In addition it will compatible for all operating system.
Answered By 60 points N/A #170381

I want to use bandwidth management tool for home.


Hello John,

I want to recommend you Bandwidth Manager from Anta Media, This is a very well featured software and give you all the independence to customize how you want to use the software. You can see your users activities and as well provide customized bandwidth to different users. See the screenshots :

Here is the official webpage: https://www.antamedia.com/bandwidth-manager/

Hope this is the one you are looking for.


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