Hello, experts! Good Morning. I am network system analyzer. Actually, I am a novice here. I am also working in Linux operating system. Is there anyone knowing of any wireless site survey software for Linux? Are you agree general software capable of performing a predictive site survey? Please give me suggestion and download link of wireless site survey Linux free tools. Have a good time!
Download wireless site survey Linux free tools
Hi Richard C Langston,
Thanks for raising the question. There are several tools for wireless site survey on Linux. I am giving you all the links so you need not to worry about. These tools will help you with the network system analyzing task easily.
1. One of the good wireless site survey tool is kismet & it's an open source software. It has loads of option which makes network analyzing task simple. You can download the tool from here which I hope will support all the requirements. Normally it's a self sufficient tool but some functionalities may require additional driver. Few assistance can be found here & The Expat XML Parser here.
2. Another tool you can use is Meraki Wireless which can be downloaded from their official site here.
3. You can find here option for others tool as well but I hope that number 1 option will solve your issue.
Thanks & Regards,
Download wireless site survey Linux free tools
All survey tools are in repositories of your distribution. Good Linux wireless survey tools are: Iperf, Kismet, AirSnort and SWScaner. To download and install them use your package manager. For Debian and Debian based distributions it is apt-get and for RHEL and RedHat based distributions it is yum. For installing with apt-get you type in terminal apt-get install package and with yum you type yum install package.
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