Hard Disk Filling Up Automatically
Often users of windows 7 report that their hard disk is filling up with junk that they do not know about. Even after repeated scans no malware has been found. How can we solve this issue?
Often users of windows 7 report that their hard disk is filling up with junk that they do not know about. Even after repeated scans no malware has been found. How can we solve this issue?
If this is not a malware issue, it is quite expected in windows 7 as windows 7 often stores files from its previous builds after updates have been installed and this heaps up the data in c drive windows folder. We can work around the issue by the following steps:
a) Go to control panel, system and security and navigate to system. From there select system protection option.
b) From the configuration option we need to select the partition we are looking forward to stop cluttering.
c) If we click on configure option for c drive as shown above we would be taken to restore settings where we can set maximum usage for windows tasks on the hard drive as shown below:
d) Click ok on the above option and further clutter would be stopped. We can download software like treesize to detect directory sizes and find the windows folder with previous build data. They can be deleted after a successful update.