Installation MS Office 2010, I get the error message

Asked By 100 points N/A Posted on -

Hi all,

When I try to install MS Office 2010, I get the following error message. Why this message occurs?

Please give me a solution to solve it.

Thanks a lot.

Microsoft Word

The function you are attempting to run contains macros or content that requires macro language support. When this software was installed, you (or your administrator) chose not to install support for macros or controls.

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This error usually occurs because of macro security settings. If you know that the macro comes from a source that you trust, you can change your macro security settings to allow you to enable the macro

If the file opens in Protected views, click Enable Editing, and then click Enable content. Editing functions are restored and the active content, including macros will run. This file is now trusted: security prompts will no longer appear unless the file is opened on another computer.

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Answered By 5 points N/A #151916

Installation MS Office 2010, I get the error message


Hello Kevin,

Check the WRD START folder to see if there isn't a document stored there. Its most likely in C:Program filesMS Officeofficewrdstart. Either there is a document or template in the WORD START folder or a macro was saved in the

You could also close Word, delete which is a hidden file and then restart  MS Word, a new will be created.

I hope this helps.

Happy Computing.

-Jack Hostler

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