I want to purchase a printer. I don't have much knowledge about it. Can anybody tell me the difference between an Inkjet printer and laser printer so I can decide which one to buy?
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The difference between Inkjet and Laser printers: Which one should I buy?
The difference between an Inkjet printer and laser printer is quite large. Inkjet printer prints documents such as emails, a spreadsheet of Excel, etc. It has several advantages such as it is of smaller size, has low cost, has cheaper ink cartridges and it is easier to replace cartridges.
It has several disadvantages too, such as, it has slow printing process of large documents and it is messy to clean up. Laser printer provides the color copy and also the black and white copy depending upon the quality of the printer. It has an advantage of faster speed, excellent printing quality and it has less mess to clean up. Disadvantages are higher tone cartridge cost, noisy, high cost and large physical size.