One IP and two users with asterisk billing office accounting

Dear experts , With Asterisk billing office accounting; is it possible for two users to login from the same IP? Good wishes

Dear experts , With Asterisk billing office accounting; is it possible for two users to login from the same IP? Good wishes
Hello Nimrod,
No, it is not possible to login with the same IP for the two users because if it happened then IP conflict error occurs on the network. Normally if we are the part of a large organization then they don’t prefer the static IP because difficult to assign to each PC. They use DHCP protocol to automatically assign the IP.
Harthy Opera
Sure no. I dont think thats possible.
I don’t think it’s really possible. The Internet Service Provider or ISP where you are subscribed to only assigns 1 unique IP address to 1 subscriber. This means if your computer is the only computer in your house, even if different household members use your computer to browse the internet, it will still be using the same IP address assigned by the ISP.
Even in a country where prepaid internet is popular, only 1 IP address is allowed and assigned at a time to a subscriber. For example, your are a prepaid internet subscriber and you are using a wireless broadband USB stick to connect to the internet, when your modem establishes connection it will first send a request to the ISP or to the network where you are subscribed to.
The system will then process the request and will then throw you on the next available IP address where you will be assigned to temporarily. And when you disconnect, the system will free the IP address and will make it available for other users who will be requesting. So, it’s really not possible to have two persons connecting on the same IP address.