Create RPG II Program in System/36

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Can anybody please explain how to create an IBM RPG II source program in a System/36 and transfer it back to source program that can help me make the necessary changes in it?

Answered By 10 points N/A #105653

Create RPG II Program in System/36


It is so unfortunate that the subject for creating printer files is more complex, but then I will give you what I think about that. Basically you will need to design the formats by the use of the DDS which will define the fields that will be printed and the place the files should be printed on the line, and also it will be good to space before printing is done for after each line has been printed.

Every format will be assigned a name, and it will be compiled by using the CRTPRTF command, and thereafter you will use it as an output file now in the RPG program. You will need to use the RPG program, and then accompany it format name for it to be able to print a line.

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