Hi guys. As executable files are widely used to issue command specially DOS command. I have written code in Java and now want to convert into descargar else but I am finding no way to achieve this. I searched on internet if any descargar executable maker is available but failed. Please tell me about any method or tool which can fulfill my requirement.
How to convert files by using descargar executable maker?
Hi Buckner,
Good day!! Please follow the step below.
1: Download jcreator
2: Download jdk
3: Make a project class in the src folder only like this
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
public class youclassname extends JFrame implements ItemListener {
String colors[] =
{"White", "Black", "Blue", "Red", "Orange", "Green"};
JComboBox cboColors = new JComboBox(colors);
Container cnt = getContentPane();
youclassname (){
super("What ever you want");
cnt.setLayout (null);
cboColors.addItemListener (this);
Here is no end for getting more information visit … http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Steps_to_convert_java_file_into_jar_file
Lorraine P Goodman