EDictionary about short English text for children
My children need to make precise for various paragraphs and words.
What kind of dictionary can help about short English text for my children?
My children need to make precise for various paragraphs and words.
What kind of dictionary can help about short English text for my children?
If you need to access or acquire a dictionary suitable for children, you may want to try Oxford Dictionaries For children and schools.
Children’s vocabulary, comprehension, and language skills develop as they grow older – It can depend on what they’re learning at school, what books they like to read, and what their friends are talking about.
If you want to try this, you may visit here:
You may also try Yahoo! Kids which also features a conversion calculator on the side that let’s you convert area to length, volume, or weights. This dictionary uses The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language – Fourth Edition.
To use this, you may visit.