Hello guys, I am using kaspersky 2011 anti virus internet security for Desktop Computer. Now I want to upgrade it to 2012 version. Is there any way to do that. Please help me with details because I do not have much knowledge about it and I have not much time to search google for this issue.
Can I upgrade Kaspersky 2011 anti virus internet security to Kaspersky 2012?
Hello Dear Leonard S Lockhart,
Thanks for asking us.
Dear every software has its updates.
If you have installed some old dated software and now its update is available then you can update it.
But there is a condition for this update of software that your software should be registered.
Same as, you can update your Kaspersky Sky 2011 to 2012 version.
You can do this only if you have registered your software already.
If the current version is unregistered, then you cannot update it.
Registration is must.
I hope you have understood.