VirtualDJ – the controller has not been detected

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hey everyone,

I have some issues with VirtualDJ and I don’t know what is wrong.

Recently I got Numax Mixtrack pro, everything with this hardware is okay. My friend told me that VirtualDJ is great software for it and I install it on my computer (Windows Vista).

Everything is fine with the hardware, but when I want to start VirtualDJ there is error message. Any suggestion, answer will be appreciated.

Thank you


The controller has not been detected.

Please plug the controller and start VirtualDJ again.


Answered By 5 points N/A #121621

VirtualDJ – the controller has not been detected


If the Audio Driver of your computer is not installed properly, this error occurs.

Check that your XP audio driver is installed properly.

If you are using Windows 7, then make sure that windows did not install the audio driver itself.

To check the Audio driver is installed properly, go to the Device Manager > Sound video and game controller.

If there is any Red Cross or ‘!’ sign visible, then you have audio problem. Installing the proper audio driver may help solve the problem.

Get the proper driver, install it and then restart the Windows. Make sure DJ Console MKII is connected to the PC properly.

After the Windows restarts- start installing the Virtual DJ software. It will be complete successfully.


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