Features of hidden process task if possible?,

Hi everybody,
How can I view the processes that are actively running on the system through hidden process task please
Thank you

Hi everybody,
How can I view the processes that are actively running on the system through hidden process task please
Thank you
Dear Friend!
Its very easy way to view the tasks which are running on your system but are hidden.
Steps to check these processes are:
1. Go to your desktop.
3. Windows Task manager window will become appeared.
4. Click on the processes tab.
Now all the processes which are running on your system will be on your screen.
Apply this method and Enjoy.
If you are using the Gnome system monitor for instance Linux or Ubuntu you can view all the processes that are actively running on your system by following the following simple steps,
To run your operating system, the system needs to run many different programs and services that enable all devices attached and installed on the computer. These programs and services need to run continuously while you are using the computer. These are the programs that compose the operating system and runs in the background.
Of course, you are allowed to view the programs and services presently running on the system. Besides viewing, you can also terminate them but it is not recommended. To view the programs or files running in the background, you can use the Windows Task Manager. To display it, press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC on your keyboard.
In Windows Task Manager, select Processes tab. You will see all the programs running in the background. These includes the applications you are presently using like the web browser, Microsoft Office Word as well as the applications that automatically start when the computer boots like your antivirus. See image.
You can also check the services running on your computer. Click Start, Control Panel, Performance and Maintenance, Administrative Tools then double-click Services. See image.